home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Gui4CLI script | 1998-07-06 | 7.9 KB | 392 lines |
- G4C
- ; This is a Full blown File Manager.
- ; I know it's difficult to follow specially since it consists
- ; of many GUIs which open-close on their own, but.. hey, it's
- ; a tough world out there..
- ; The main variable used is "lv_file", which is the name of the
- ; variable where both listviews will store the files selected.
- ; Get the full archive of Gui4Cli (Aminet:Dev/Gui/Gui4Cli.lha),
- ; read the guide and construct the file manager of your dreams!
- WINBIG 150 11 220 229 Devices
- WinType 11110001
- varpath ''
- nofontsense
- xOnLoad
- fm_mode = 1
- setgad Dir.gc 2 HIDE ; hide the gadgets of the
- setgad Dir.gc 201/210 HIDE
- setgad Dir.gc 10 HIDE
- guiopen Dir.gc
- guiload :Dir.g ; load the helper guis
- guiload :dir.g2
- guiload :dir.popfav
- guiload guis:tools/Prefs/players ; the default viewers
- favmode.1 = 0
- favmode.2 = 0
- xonreload
- guiopen dir.gc
- xonquit
- guiquit Dir.g ; quit our other guis also
- guiquit Dir.g2
- guiquit Dir.g3
- guiquit dir.g4
- guiquit dir.pop2
- guiquit cli.gc
- guiquit dir.prot
- guiquit dir.user
- guiquit dir.popfav
- guiquit getfiletype
- guiquit viewfile ; it will quit viewfile2
- xOnOpen
- SetGad dir.gc 20 OFF
- xOnClose
- SetGad dir.gc 20 ON
- xAppIcon 0 0 :dir.gc DIR.gc *lv_app OFF
- GadID 20
- GuiOpen dir.gc
- GuiScreen dir.gc FRONT
- if $*lv_app > " "
- gosub dir.gc appdir
- endif
- xAppWindow *lv_app ; The FM is also an AppWindow
- gosub dir.gc appdir ; going to the dir of the icon..
- xroutine appdir ; cd to the appitem's dir
- ifexists DIR $*lv_app ; if it's a dir,vol,dev or asn
- orifexists DOS $*lv_app
- dir = $*lv_app
- file = ''
- elseifexists file $*lv_app ; if it's a file
- extract *lv_app PATH dir
- extract *lv_app FILE file
- endif
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- lvdir #$dir
- lvfind $file
- setwintitle dir.gc '$dir '
- delvar *lv_app
- xOnRMB
- if $favmode.1 > 0
- favid = 1
- guiopen dir.popfav
- elseif $favmode.2 > 0
- favid = 2
- guiopen dir.popfav
- else
- guiopen Dir.g ; This has the copy, delete etc functions
- endif
- ; ===================================================================
- ; The directory listviews
- ; ===================================================================
- ; Note they both have Hooks to display the current dir to the user.
- ;---------> the left side
- XLISTVIEW 0 0 204 228 "" lv_file "" 10 DIR
- gadid 1
- lvdirhook 1
- GadFont #mono 8 000 ; CHANGE THIS TO THE FONT YOU LIKE!
- ; LVColors 2 1 3 2 ; uncomment this line for genlocking
- ; attr dirstyle 2031 ; uncomment for 3D dirs
- if $favmode.1 = 1
- cutvar lv_file cut word -1 lv_file
- extract lv_file clean lv_file
- if $lv_file == TITLE
- stop
- endif
- favmode.1 = 0
- lvmode DIR
- lvdir #$lv_file
- setwintitle Dir.gc '$lv_file '
- else
- guiopen Dir.g2
- endif
- xLVDirHook 1
- setwintitle Dir.gc '$$lv.dir ' ; show it in the wintitle
- ;----------> the right side
- XLISTVIEW 220 16 205 212 "" lv_file "" 10 DIR
- gadid 2
- lvdirhook 2
- GadFont #mono 8 000 ; CHANGE THIS TO THE FONT YOU LIKE!
- if $favmode.2 = 1
- cutvar lv_file cut word -1 lv_file
- extract lv_file clean lv_file
- if $lv_file == TITLE
- stop
- endif
- favmode.2 = 0
- lvmode DIR
- lvdir #$lv_file
- update Dir.gc 10 $lv_file
- else
- guiopen Dir.g2
- endif
- xLVDirHook 2
- update Dir.gc 10 $$lv.dir ; show it in xTextIn gadget below
- XTEXTIN 220 0 204 16 "" lvdir2 "" 140
- gadid 10
- GadFont topaz.font 8 000
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- LVDir #$lvdir2 ; you can change the dir from here
- ; ===================================================================
- ; Disk in/out events
- ; ===================================================================
- xondiskin
- gosub dir.gc diskrefresh
- xondiskout
- gosub dir.gc diskrefresh
- xroutine diskrefresh
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- if $$lv.dir = '' ; refresh if it's a device list
- lvdir disks
- endif
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- if $$lv.dir = ''
- lvdir disks
- endif
- ; ===================================================================
- ; Listview control buttons
- ; ===================================================================
- ;--------> for the left side (source)
- XBUTTON 205 0 14 13 P
- GadID 101
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- LVDir parent
- lv_dir1 = $$LV_DIR
- setwintitle Dir.gc '$$lv.dir '
- XBUTTON 205 13 14 13 R
- GadID 102
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- LVDir Root
- lv_dir1 = $$LV_DIR
- setwintitle Dir.gc '$$lv.dir '
- XBUTTON 205 26 14 13 D
- GadID 103
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- LVDir Disks
- lv_dir1 = ""
- setwintitle Dir.gc 'Devices'
- XBUTTON 205 39 14 13 A
- GadID 104
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- LVDir all
- XBUTTON 205 52 14 13 N
- GadID 105
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- LVDir None
- XBUTTON 205 65 14 15 F
- GadID 106
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- lvmode MULTI
- lvchange guis:tools/fav/DirDef
- favmode.1 = 1
- favid = 1
- XBUTTON 205 177 14 12 + ; add to favourites
- GadID 107
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- gosub dir.gc addfav
- XBUTTON 205 189 14 13 R
- GadID 108
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- lvdir Refresh
- XBUTTON 205 202 14 13 < ; move list left
- GadID 109
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- lvmove -10
- XBUTTON 205 215 14 13 >
- GadID 110
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- lvmove 10
- ;---------> for the right side (destination) give gadID so we set them on/off
- XBUTTON 426 0 14 13 P
- GadID 201
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- LVDir parent
- setvar lv_dir2 $$LV.DIR
- update Dir.gc 10 $$lv.dir
- XBUTTON 426 13 14 13 R
- gadid 202
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- LVDir Root
- setvar lv_dir2 $$LV.DIR
- update Dir.gc 10 $$lv.dir
- XBUTTON 426 26 14 13 D
- gadid 203
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- LVDir Disks
- setvar lv_dir2 ""
- update Dir.gc 10 ""
- XBUTTON 426 39 14 13 A
- gadid 204
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- LVDir All
- XBUTTON 426 52 14 13 N
- gadid 205
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- LVDir None
- XBUTTON 426 65 14 15 F
- gadid 206
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- lvmode MULTI
- lvchange guis:tools/fav/DirDef
- favmode.2 = 1
- favid = 2
- XBUTTON 426 178 14 11 + ; add to favourites
- gadid 207
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- gosub dir.gc addfav
- XBUTTON 426 189 14 13 R
- gadid 208
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- lvdir Refresh
- XBUTTON 426 202 14 13 < ; move list left
- GadID 209
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- lvmove -10
- XBUTTON 426 215 14 13 > ; move list right
- GadID 210
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- lvmove 10
- ;---------> open full file manager
- XBUTTON 205 108 14 11 >
- gadid 11
- if $fm_mode = 1
- gosub Dir.gc OpenWindow
- else
- gosub Dir.gc CloseWindow
- endif
- ;--------> button to switch left <-> right lvs
- XBUTTON 205 119 14 11 x
- gadid 12
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- tempdir1 = $$lv.dir
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- tempdir2 = $$lv.dir
- lvdir #$tempdir1
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- lvdir #$tempdir2
- setwintitle Dir.gc '$tempdir2 ' ; and their dir displays
- update Dir.gc 10 $tempdir1
- delvar tempdir#?
- ;--------> same directories
- XBUTTON 205 130 14 11 =
- gadid 13
- if $$lv.gui == dir.gc ; check that the internal vars point to us
- id = $$lv.id
- dir = $$lv.dir
- if $id = 1
- lvuse dir.gc 2
- lvdir #$dir
- update Dir.gc 10 $dir
- else
- lvuse dir.gc 1
- lvdir #$dir
- setwintitle Dir.gc '$dir '
- endif
- endif
- ;---------> ROUTINES
- xRoutine OpenWindow ; Routine to enlarge the window
- fm_mode = 2
- setgad Dir.gc 2 SHOW
- setgad Dir.gc 201/210 SHOW
- setgad Dir.gc 10 SHOW
- changearg Dir.gc 11 4 <
- changegad Dir.gc 0 -1 -1 440 229 ""
- redraw Dir.gc
- xRoutine CloseWindow ; make it small again
- fm_mode = 1
- setgad Dir.gc 2 HIDE
- setgad Dir.gc 201/210 HIDE
- setgad Dir.gc 10 HIDE
- changegad Dir.gc 0 -1 -1 220 229 ""
- changearg Dir.gc 11 4 >
- redraw Dir.gc
- xroutine addfav ; add a path to the favourites
- ; see first if path exists
- favdir = $$lv.dir
- cli 'guis:c/fsearch >env:.addfav guis:tools/fav/DirDef txt=$favdir'
- if $.addfav > " "
- ; path already exists
- else
- ; get dir name as identifier name
- extract favdir file favname
- ; append entry to the favourites file
- append guis:tools/fav/DirDef '\n$favname\t\t\t\t$favdir'
- endif
- delvar .addfav
- RESIZE_BIG 114 11 267 250 DIR.GC